Persistent Digital Commerce Private Limited

Empowering Local Vendors

A hyperlocal e-commerce platform that helps small sellers sell their products online

Our Services

We provide a platform for local vendors and shopkeepers to sell their products online, enabling them to regain control of their business.

Easy Setup
Wide Reach

We make it easy for sellers to set up their online store and reach a wider audience, increasing their sales and visibility within a few minutes.

Trusted Stores

As a buyer, you can shop from the trusted stores around you that were always there, lacking a digital presence.

Everything you need

Get everything you need from groceries to electronics and from stationery to handicrafts delivered to your doorstep within an hour.

About Us

Persistent Digital Commerce Private Limited is a hyperlocal e-commerce platform that empowers local vendors and shopkeepers to sell their products online. We recognize the challenges faced by small sellers due to the unawareness and bias of big e-commerce platforms towards larger sellers and aggregators. Our mission is to enable small sellers to compete with these giants and regain control of their business.

Contact Us

Contact us for inquiries or assistance

44 B, New Nehru Colony, Thatipur, Gwalior

Madhya Pradesh, 474011, India

Registered Address
Corporate Address

6 A, Nehru Colony, Thatipur, Gwalior

Madhya Pradesh, 474011, India


+91 8962330797, +91 7879835122
